Service Management

Service Management Software

ICX CRM helps your organization achieve good customer satisfaction!

ICX CRM empowers service team to manage customer requests, manage service resources, and deliver satisfying results to the customers.

Case Management

ICX CRM helps service agent to capture a case from web, mobile, chat, and email (Gmail Added-On).

Case comes with SLA tracking and alert for service agents, progress notification for customers via email, and history of works and communications being performed on the case.

Service Contract Management

ICX CRM has service contract module that helps remind service staff about service tasks being due to the customer and eventually upon the service contract being due for renewal.

Service agent can record everything including service checklist and taken photos and VDOs to the service contract and use them as part of overall review with the customer.

Data Security Management

Data Security is most carefully managed for our customers.

ICX comes with User Authentication, Role Authorization, and Data Group Security that users will see and use only data that they are authorized for.    All transactions are encrypted through 128-bit keys.

Data is securely stored on our cloud servers, powered by Amazon Web Services located in Singapore.

Now is the best time to improve your sales and services.
